Thursday, May 12, 2005

In The Middle Of It All

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D.C. On Alert! The White House and all Senate Houses are evacuated.

I dunno if it was a big deal in Manila...but this has been front page news over here (well, here in the East, as far as I can tell). Washington D.C. was on alert last Wednesday, May 11th, as an unidentified plane strayed into D.C.'s no-fly zone. It's pretty exciting news, actually...the first "scare" since 9/11.

And I was right *there* in the middle of all the action!

My family and I took the Old Town Trolley tours through D.C. last May 11th. We were supposed to stay on the trolley for the whole route, but then the White House stop came up...and who could resist the White House, right? So we all went down to take some pictures...we walked around the park, taking our sweet time...and my dad asked a nearby guard where the nearest bus stop was. He was polite and very helpful, saying "Oh just go down this block and take a left." And then all of a sudden, "Can you make it quick folks. Please move away from the White House!"


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A picture with my siblings, a few minutes before the evacuation

And then all of a sudden, we noticed guards with big machine guns, shouting at people to move a block away from the White House. A few moments later, a motorcade raced across the street, complete with police escorts and sirens! Hehehe. Coolness. We were all taking pictures, completely ignoring the fact that this *might* be a real emergency. All the while I thought that someone important may be coming up the driveway or something. :p Only found out in the news that night what all the ruckus was all about. :p

Pretty exciting town. I'm glad I got in on some of the action. Hehe. :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The Boston Nightlife

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Abi, Ivy and I in Tonic. :) Me in my very un-bar-like get up. Hehe. :)

Ivy and I in Wonder Bar, soaking up the so-called Red Death drink. Hehe. :) Yuck, I look fat in this picture...:p

For 2 consecutive nights, I have done something that I normally avoid doing: I've gone to bars. Haha. Yeah, I've gone to a couple of night spots back in Manila, but I've never really stayed for too long. At least not past midnight. And I don't really like going out to *gimik places* at's the homebody in me, I guess. :)

The bars over here are waaaay different. Shocking, actually. Or maybe I'm just too naive. Or feeling naive. Hehehe. :) It was pretty cool...I got to laugh at the dancing white boys. Because they really can't dance. Seriously. It was such a laugh trip watching them try to look sexy. "Brown" boys are better...and I'm pretty biased 'cause Mark's a really good dancer. Hahaha. Filipino all the way! :) Hahaha. :)

Other weird experiences of the night...I danced (which is pretty strange because I can't dance). And 2 strange men hit on me. But I don't think it counts for 4 reasons. 1, they were drunk. 2, it was dark. 3, they weren't cute. At all. And 4, I'm already taken. :D Hee hee.Pretty scary experience. I think natawa si Ivy when she saw my panicked look when the first guy approached. Brrr.

Anyway, thanks so much to Ivy for showing me how the Boston night life is really like! Hehe. Her friends (Abi and Sancho) were really nice too! They were such sweetie pies, even if I was too *shy* to really say anything much. Hehe. I will post more pictures as soon as Ives sends me some more. :D

I'm havin' fun. But I really really really just want to go home. :(

Go Rob & Amber!

Just finished watching the Amazing Race 7 Finale. I was kinda disappointed.

I wanted Rob and Amber to win. :(

I just hate it that the other teams were all so against them from the start, partly because they're famous, and partly because Rob was too agressive (and often times, rude) for their tastes. Hmf. Well, it's a race!!! I think it was pretty cool of them to be that competitive.

And they were soooo sweet. *sigh* GO ROB AND AMBER! :)

Oh well. I guess it was pretty cool for Uchenna and Joyce to win even if they had zero funds. Galing. Pero it would have been more exciting if Rob and Amber won. Man, what I would give to see the looks on Lynn and Alex's faces. Hah! :p

I am the fan of the constestants who didn't win. Rob & Amber and Constantine. Hehehe. Oh well. They all still rock in my book. :D