Friday, November 16, 2012

The JuJu-Challenge: Day 3

Today is the final day of the cleanse!!!!

Rather than feel ecstatic though, I woke up today feeling a bit blah. I didn't have the appetite for anything, not the juices, not even real food (if somebody offered me some right now, I'd probably say no). Maybe it's because I just can't wait for today to be over. If I could go home, tuck myself under the blanket and just sleep this whole day off, I would.

But of course I can't. I have to work! "Back to the daily grind, Les, stop being such a wuss!" is my mantra for today.

Before starting on the juices, I weighed myself and was glad to find out that I lost 1.6 lbs since yesterday. So that's a total of 2.6 lbs lost since I started the cleanse. My stomach is noticeably flatter (well, wouldn't anybody's tummy be flatter after 2 days of no solid food?! Dibaaaa?), and my skin looks clearer! It doesn't look too drab today. I usually have to put a bit of primer on my face because I look kinda greyish in the mornings. But my cheeks today have a bit of color in them. I hope this is not wishful thinking. Haha!

Day 3

Bottle #1, the Green Bomb:

I always have an internal struggle with this one. I really just don't like the taste of cucumbers. *shudder* And since I was feeling very blah this morning, my internal army didn't feel like putting up a fight with the Green Bomb. So I had a staring contest with it instead. It stayed in front of me, on my desk, for an hour, before I had the guts to open it up.

Not much to report here except that I finished it all off in more than an hour. :( What motivated me to finish it was this: the promise of a nicer tasting juice right after! My most-awaited Spicy Limonada! Yay!

One down, 5 to go...

Start: 8:14 a.m.
Finish: 9:35 a.m.
Total time: 1 hour and 21 minutes

Bottle #2, the Spicy Limonada:

Yay, I am finally at #2, my favorite! Cannot wait to drink this refreshing mix. I needed something to wash off the taste of the previous one. :(

 Two down, four to go...

Start: 10:44 a.m.
Finish: 11:02 a.m.
Total time: 18 minutes

Bottle #3, the Red Giant:

My schedule for this bottle isn't till 1:00 p.m., so I planned to just have a siesta during lunch. But during one of my bathroom breaks, I chanced upon this in the pantry:

They cooked fried chicken for lunch! Look at all of those plates with steaming hot white rice...


Back to reality, please. JuJuCleanse reality, that is.

Was a bit busy after lunch break so I was 50 minutes late for my 3rd bottle. Our utility guy also took the first 2 bottles away to wash them, so I wasn't able to take a picture of all 3 of them in a row. :(

Start: 1:50 p.m.
Finish: 3:00 p.m.
Total time: 1 hour and 10 minutes

Bottle #4, Salaba't and Lemon:

Ahhhh, so we finally meet. :) The taste isn't too bad once I got used to it. The ginger just heats up  my throat, but I can easily wash it down with water anyway.

I was supposed to join one of the DATEM Biggest Loser groups on their run today, but I decided against it because I didn't want to strain myself. Although I feel fine now, I just didn't want to take my chances.

I will just take my JuJu bottles with me, sit at home in front of the TV and in front of my laptop, and relaaaaaax. :)

Start: 5:00 p.m.
Finish: 6:00 p.m.
Total time: 1 hour

Bottle #5, The Green Bomb:

My last bottle of green stuff!!! Yeaaaah, I'm so happy, that I postpone drinking it until 3 hours later. :( Hehe. But I know that I have to conquer it sometime, so I get it from the ref, open it...and then just stare at it for 10 minutes.

Oh man, this is gonna be a loooong night.

I'm smiling here because I haven't opened the bottle yet. Haha

Start: 8:05 p.m.
Finish: 9:30 p.m.
Total time: 1.5 hours

Bottle #6, Salaba't Lemon:

Again, this bottle remains untouched inside my ref. I was just too full to drink it. I finished the Green Bomb too late, I was too full, I was already sleepy, and I didn't want any more liquids inside of me! So I brushed my teeth and called it a night.

Sorry. I guess I failed yet again.

The following day...

I woke up this morning not feeling ecstatic as I had expected. No cravings. No hunger pangs.

I took the last bottle with me to work, planning to just drink it for breakfast. I think I got to 9:00 a.m. without eating solid food, and then, free hotsilog was presented to could I resist? Haha! I only ate a couple spoonfuls of rice, though, and I already felt full.

Oh, and I weighed myself first thing this morning. The result? I lost a total of 3-lbs, as I had predicted. Not too happy with it, since I know it's mostly water weight, but it's a start!

The verdict?

What this JuJu-Challenge has taught me is that I should have enough will-power to control my cravings, to only eat when I am truly hungry, and to eat in moderation. It also taught me that I should drink a lot of water! Just think, only 6 bottles of juice a day (plus a lot of gulps of water in-between) and not once did I feel hungry! I realize that most of my whining about food and feeling "hungry" only came from my cravings, but not once did I feel that my stomach was empty. If I would just increase my water intake and decrease my tendencies to munch, that would already make a big difference in my diet. :)

I think this could be a good product for those who are aiming to remove their bloatedness before a big beach trip, but this isn't a solution for lasting weight loss. In the end, it can only give you the push you need towards eating healthier. :)

So to those who are thinking of doing the JuJu-Challenge: GOOD LUCK! If you're not a vegetable eater, like me, try the 1-day challenge first to see if you're up for it. But since I survived, I guess there's no harm in trying the 3-day challenge! Just make sure that you have a support system (i.e. friends who will not eat delicious, aromatic food while you're around), and that you have a good purpose.

...and with that, I am signing off, on my way to a better,  healthier lifestyle!

The JuJu-Challenge: Day 1
The JuJu-Challenge: Day 2

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